Kerry's Missing Draft Plan Found
Lately, you can be pretty sure that whatever the democrats are accusing republicans of, is what the democrats are actually up to. Preemptive accusations to innoculate themselves in case they get caught. Which leads us to Kerry's draft plan.
As part of his 100 day plan to change America, John Kerry will propose a comprehensive service plan that includes requiring mandatory service for high school students and four years of college tuition in exchange for two years of national service.You can read the entire text or doubting thomases can verify this was actually part of Kerry's published platform, from his own website, before it was changed. Follow this link from : Kerry's Vanished Webpage
UPDATE: For some strange reason (cough) Way Back Machine suddenly won't display this page. Imagine that.
Somehow I don't expect that I will be reading about this in The New York Times. Maybe I'll send a memo over to Dan Rather. Yeah, That's the ticket.
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