Monday, October 11, 2004

Stolen Honor to Get Air Time

The Kerry camp and the DNC are having collective cows today after learning of Sinclair Broadcasting's announcement that they will air "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal," a documentary produced by POWs of the Vietnam war.

Unlike the cBS memos, these POWs are Real and so is the content of this film. There is nothing that can be disputed. The facts are public record. That isn't stopping Kerry's people from screaming, in typical 3rd grade fashion, "NO FAIR! LIAR! LIAR! PANTS ON FIRE! CHEATER!"

The same people who invited Michael Moore to sit in a place of honor, next to President Carter in his box, at their National Convention. The same people who coordinate talking points with and encourage ads featuring US soldiers in surrender position, and ads depicting President Bush as Hitler. These same people are saying former POWs having access to public airways is "Yellow Journalism".

The DNC is planning to file a suit with the FEC Tuesday alleging Sinclairs airing of "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal" is akin to an illegal campaign contribution and should not be allowed. Sinclair classifies it a news event but.. The way I understand the law to read, even if it is pure opinion (which it is not) Sinclair would only be obligated to give Kerry equal time and they are offering that. Sinclair's Hyman said, "The documentary is just a part of a special news event that we're putting together. We've invited one person to be a guest. That's Senator John Kerry."

Apparently POWs should not be allowed to speak in Kerry's America.

"Stolen Honor: Wounds That Won't Heal" will air some time next week on Sinclair stations. Click here to find a station in your area.