Re-Education Camp - Lesson 1
For instance, we know now that the Vietnam War was not what they sold us. They fed us Hanoi's propaganda version of the war. Piped it right into our living rooms night after night until we fell in step with their cause. We know now, or should know after 3 million souls were slaughtered by our enemies, that the truth is that Vietnam was a just war. A noble cause. A cause we lost because of misinformation.
I am going to undertake here, in a series of articles, to re-examine history and search out the blunt truths we were not told.
Lesson 1 - Pajama Journal Re-Education Camp
Iran- Contra
Good evening, class.
(Your instructor tonight is Kimmymac.)
Iran-Contra came about because leftist bastards in the senate like JOE BIDEN (a kerrorist--Biden was Kerry's foreign affairs advisor) had pushed through an AMENDMENT to the US Constitution Exclamation which meant to severly restrict the Executive powers. (Presidential) It was meant to keep Reagan (then President) from fighting the communists, such as the Sandinista government of Nicarauga.
This amendment was a clear usurption of power and totally violated the founding father's vision of three balanced branches of power within the government (Executive, Legislative, Judicial) but the Democrats were able to pass this amendment because they were very much the majority at the time.
So in an attempt to fight communism in Latin America, Oliver North and others higher up devised a plan to siphon funds and funnel them to the Contras, American friendly, pro-democracy freedom fighters trying to overthrow Daniel Ortega and the repressive, hostile Sandinista government, which, despite Jiminy Karter's give away of millions and millions of dollars to them, openly mocked the US and reneged on all their promises to restore human rights.
When Reagan came to power you remember that the hostages in Iran were released immediately. Can't talk about all why, but just know that a deal was brokered. It isn't always pretty, doing diplomatic deals with @$$holes, but it saved a lot of American lives.
When Biden and his Bastards (Kennedy featured prominently in this coup, btw) pushed through the amendment, Ollie North et al had to go underground to fund pro American groups like the Contras.
Some @$$hole ratted out the program, and of course Biden and his Bastards jumped all over it, with the aiding and abetting of the OILM (not yet OILM) and attempted to bring down the Reagan Administration, ala the Nixon Administration.
Ollie North stood his ground, and it was his testimony in front of the snarling toga wearers in the Senate and House that turned public opinion. Thousands and thousands of telegrams of support for Col. North swamped Capitol Hill, and the Democrats were forced to beat a hasty retreat.
Fawn Hill, who another poster referenced, was Ollie's young secretary. The press tried to insinuate their was something illicit between she and the married Colonel, but it was just the jackals trying to spread gossip. Ollie's wife is a very nice person, and she and their daughters were hurt by the OILM's nasty and baseless gossip. Fawn Hill got freaked and admitted attempting to destroy documents at the request of Colonel North, an admission which made me very angry at her. This was a case when it truly is okay to "lie" and break the law, as clearly there was a greater good, and the "law" was an extra-constitutional kangaroo bravo sierra law, at that.
The Biden amendment, btw, was later repealed. It was so shockingly out of bounds that the GOP finally succeeded in getting rid of it. Even Ted Kennedy was shamed into voting it out. If you know anything about how difficult it is to rescind an amendment, then you have some idea.
Thank you class. Have a great evening.
There you have it. Stay tuned for the next installment of Correcting History at the Pajama Journal Re-Education Camp.
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