Wake The %*^& Up America
Al Qaeda bombs the Iraqi parliament in the middle of The Green Zone during a security crack down, eight people are dead, and what are the American headlines about? An asshat named Imus.
Most Americans do not understand the war, the reasons for it, or the enemy we are fighting. (Here is a great place to start reading up on that: Driving Too Fast Down The Middle of The Road) Why? Because we are too busy worrying about important things like Imus the Asshat. Who by the way was an asshat before he said anything about nappy headed hos, and as an asshat was perfectly within his rights to speak like one regardless of what Asshat Al Sharpton or Asshat Jesse Jackson thinks. See how easy it is to get distracted?
We all need to wake up and start paying attention to what's important. Why are our headlines all screaming for us to read about Imus when we need to be informed about what our enemy is up to and how we are handling the threat? Most of us are not even really sure who we are really fighting in Iraq. Our media needs to pull its collective head out of its collective ass and start telling us the real story.
We need to stop forking over our attention like a bunch of drooling ignoramuses for stories like Imus Is An Asshat and CBS Fired Him or the even more informative one about how Rudy Guliani doesn't know how much a gallon of milk costs. So the hell what? Neither do I. Who buys a whole gallon at a time if you don't have a bunch of cereal eating kids around? Not me and apparently not Rudy. I plan to have my 12 year old conduct a survey on how the average American contacted by random phone calls responds to the same questions. I am betting 9 out of 10 do not have any more of a clue. See? Distracted again.
We are so incredibly spoiled in this country to have the liberty and privilege to sit around groaning and complaining with such idiocy about things that do not matter. We must begin to wake up and understand what is important and worthy of our attention. You can bet that al Qaeda is not debating political correctness or the price of tea in China (or the price of milk in Alabama for that matter). No, they are busy figuring out how to deal the biggest blow to our morale and how to work our own propaganda machine against us. They are paying attention. It is time we did.