Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Good vs. Bad

by Kimmymac

Was anyone besides me struck by the contrasts between where President Bush and Kerry spent the weekend before the debates? President Bush went home to his ranch, where he probably spent the weekend clearing brush. Kerry goes to a spa in Wisconsin where he evidently spent the weekend getting in touch with his feminine side. Kerry in a white terry robe, mongramed with a little "c" --kvetching to his manicurist about his toenail fungus and his marriage: "I swear, if she wasn't RICH, I would just be so! out! of! there!!"

Doesn't Kerry have about 14 mansions or something? Why didn't he go to one of them? What the heqq is wrong with him?

Okay, okay, I admit: I have strong opinions about men. Okay, okay, I admit: I have strong opinions, period. But among my strong opinions regarding men are: Men clearing brush=good. Men going to spas=bad. Men wearing cowboy boots=good. Men wearing bracelets=bad. Men sporting fake tans=bad. Men with real tans from working their land=good. Men saying what they mean and meaning what they say=VERY good. Men saying what they think I want to hear and not even having a clue what that is=VERY bad. "Classically trained debaters"=bad. Straight shooters=good. Men who went to finishing school=yuk, bad. Men who grew up in Texas=yum, good. Men with just enough past bad boy in them to make them interesting=good. Men way too in touch with their feminine side=bad.

So I guess you get the picture. But just in case: