Kerry, Then and Now
In 1971 John Kerry was pushing for America's unilateral withdrawal from Vietnam. Opponents warned a unilateral withdrawal would lead to wholesale slaughter and said that we owed it to the people of South Vietnam to stay there until they had a viable government in place. (see this transcript)
John Kerry said there was no reason to believe there would be mass casualties or that we wouldn't get our POWs and MIAs back. He said that his opponents were simply fear mongers. He continued with his group VVAW and a cooperative media to influence public opinion using selective reporting and indeed coerced and false testimony of atrocities and horror stories. Our enemy saw the writing on the wall, decided they might win if only they waited for this cancer to grow and they held out. We know this because they told our POWs as they tortured them. The public was outraged over the images and testimony they were bombarded with day after day. There was rioting in the streets. President Nixon ordered our withdrawal from Vietnam.
Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and many more re-educated in the camps. Two and a half MILLION were killed in Cambodia. The true horror had begun. Many hundreds of our POWs were never released (20 years later John Kerry ordered destroyed any evidence of POW/MIAs left alive while he was in charge of the committee that was supposed to account for them). Kerry's critics had been tragically, horribly correct. John Kerry has never said he was sorry for making such a horrendous mistake in judgment. In fact, he has said he was and is proud of himself. PROUD.
Let's compare what happened then to what is happening now. John Kerry and the main stream media (MSM) seem to be trying their best to see history repeat itself.
Thirty years ago Kerry had VVAW behind him, now Kerry has been endorsed by the Communist Party and the Democratic Party. Thirty years ago Kerry was willing to fabricate evidence, lie under oath and disparage 2.5 million Vietnam Vets in order to advance his political aspirations. Today Kerry supporters, if not Kerry himself (remains to be seen who's fingerprints are on those memos) are willing to fabricate evidence and disparage 2.5 million Vietnam Vets by defending his indefensible testimony and further disparage 256 Swift Boat Vets by calling them liars, in order to better his political aspirations.
Thirty years ago Kerry was guilty of treason and he has the blood on his hands. Today Kerry is beginning the same sort of propaganda campaign regarding Iraq and he is avocation withdrawing troops post haste. Thirty years ago our enemies only had to wait and let John Kerry do their work for them. Kerry's picture hangs in the War Crimes Museum in Ho Chi Minh City, its placement honoring him with helping the North Vietnamese win the war. Today our enemies are doing exactly the same thing our enemy did then, letting John Kerry do their work for them by undermining America's will to fight.
Day after day he talks down the troops and the media is right there hawking the bad news. Thirty years ago the Vietnam war was Kerry's ticket to the national spot light and getting his political foot in the door. Today the Iraq war is his only hope of getting his foot into the Oval Office.
We must finish the mission in Iraq, staying until they have a stable government and are able to defend themselves. If we left Iraq today there would be a blood bath. Islamic-fascists want to control Iraq in a very bad way. If we left they would over run the fledgling Iraq government and there would be mass murder and horror on a scale we can not comprehend. It is likely a terror state would be established and would immediately pursue any and all ways to kill as many Americans as they possibly could. Anyone who has any awareness of the situation there has to admit this is the likely result of an American withdrawal. Yet that is exactly what Kerry would do and is increasingly willing to admit.
Kerry wants Americans to trust his secret plan to ending the Iraq war. Is he kidding? Trust him based on his judgment of the Vietnam situation? This country listened to Kerry once and hundreds of thousands, possibly millions died because of it. Now he says, "I know what to do, trust me!" yah right.
I can only sit in slack-jawed awe of the enormity of the ignorance that is rampant in this guys followers. John Kerry is the worst thing that ever happened to this country and has done more damage than any other single person has ever done in the history of America. He was guilty of treason thirty years ago and I believe he is guilty of treason today.
I realize if you are someone who has been media educated about this election you will likely be unaware of Kerry's history. I have tried to provide links so you can confirm as much of what I am saying as possible. I know it seems crazy to believe someone who is running for president could possibly be guilty of all this stuff. I agree, it is absolutely nuts that he is running and that the Democrats picked him to run on their ticket. I mean, I can almost understand the Communist party endorsing him but what in the hell were the democrats thinking?
We have only scratched the surface of John Kerry's corruption. Tomorrow maybe I'll tell you about the time Kerry's group plotted to assassinate United States senators. You think I'm kidding, don't you? Check for yourself.
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