From the Belly of the Beast!
To those of you following the Truegrit Street Survey, you'll be interested to know that I just got back from 2 hours in Harvard Square, in Cambridge, Massachusetts -- heart of Kerry country. Some refer to Cambridge as the People's Republic of Cambridge because of its leftwing politics (the east coast twin to Berkeley, in the S.F. bay area).
I stood at three different spots with my sign, which reads: "Kerry is Unfit to be Commander-in-Chief" on one side. On the reverse, it reads: "Kerry's Smear Campaign. John Kerry Falsely Accused Vietnam Veterans of War Crimes in 1971. Kerry is Unfit to Lead U.S."
I was surprised at the very high percentage of thumbs up and honks, which indicate approval of my message. I would say that the ratio was about an even break out -- 50% favoring my message, 50% opposed, based on visible, overt behaviors (thumb signs, shakes of the head, scowls, or vocalizations). To be candid, a methodologically rigorous survey would probably find more Kerry support. Still, there were quite a few people who came up to me, thanked me for what I was doing, and took my literature. Some said they thought it took some nerve! I explained that I went with my sign where I thought it was most needed -- and it was needed at the doorstep of the Kennedy School and right in the middle of Harvard Square.
One ex-Marine, a student at the Kennedy School, was grateful that I was there with my message. I spoke with a Divinity School student at length, and I think I persuaded him of why Kerry is unfit.
I had a couple of nasty in-my-face exchanges. There was one bedraggled guy, -- ragged, stringy hair and sandals -- something from the 60's that didn't hatch correctly. He looked like maybe he might go out of control and got literally in my face. "Did you serve in Vietnam?" I told him, no, I was in Germany and my service was before Nam. "What about the free fire zones, what about that? What about over one million Vietnamese killed, what about that war crime." He lapsed into incoherence. I kept my eyes on his hands. He eventually left, as did one other, angry street corner discussant.
Several people took photos -- probably a novelty they'll discuss with their relatives and friends when they return to Singapore, or Kansas, or wherever. "Can you believe this?" they'll say, "Right in the middle of Harvard Square -- with all those pointy-heads"
Truegrit Street Survey Methodology:
Thumbs up or positive head shake (with smile, not scowl) is taken as a vote against Kerry and a vote in favor of my anti-Kerry message. Thumbs down, scowls and angry side-to-side head shakes are taken as a pro-Kerry message. Probably I should count flipped fingers as something, but it's hard for me to be sure whether these "flipped birds" are meant for me or Kerry. I treat them like a hanging chad -- nullified votes.
Ted Harwood, Ph.D.
Enlisted, U.S. Army ('57-'60)
Previous Truegrit Polls here and here.
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