Pajama Journal Polls Suggest Bush Landslide
Honk Poll - Bush up 7 to 1
This poll was accomplished by standing on the side of a busy highway (US 19) just before the President was scheduled to arrive, presumably arriving via said highway. There were a group of about 15 Bushies, myself and my mother included, who stood with signs supporting Bush. There were no Kerry bashing signs in our group. About 100 feet further north stood a group of about 5 Kerryites and 2 who were rather large young women, dressed entirely in black, lounged in lawn chairs. The Kerryites signs were about 50% the standard issue Kerry/Edwards campaign signs and about 50% homemade Bush bashing signs. One made with dripping red paint read, "Oil War".
Cars that honked or hung out windows yelling slogans like "4 more years!", thumbs up and other visible signs of support vs. honking horns and other visible signs of support at there Kerryite location were about 7 to 1 in favor of Bushies.
Parking Lot Poll - President Bush Wins Unanimously
This was a poll of opportunity. While circling the Wal-Mart parking lot looking for a space this past Saturday afternoon, on the sixth pass or so I decided to use the time productively by conducting a bumper sticker poll.
My efforts were almost thwarted by the fact that I didn't find a single bumper sticker supporting either candidate in the entire 973 acre lot. I had to resort to more intuitive measures.
Because our Military supports Bush over Kerry 7 to 1, I counted all cars sporting "support our troops" ribbons as a vote for Bush. Two ribbons counted as two votes figuring there are two voters in these families. American flags likewise were counted as a vote for Bush. Veterans license tags of course were a vote for Bush. I was tempted to count all pick-up trucks for Bush but wanted to be fair and so only counted rifle racks and fish stickers in pick-up trucks for Bush. NRA stickers for Bush. POW/MIA stickers for bush. In total I counted 117 of these visible signs of Bush support.
For Kerry I counted all communist flags such as the communist Vietnam flag he was so fond of supporting in the 70ies and found zero of these. I counted all American flags displayed upside down similar to the cover of his book, "The New Soldier" for Kerry and found zero. Any "green peace" type sticker, smiley faces, psychedelic bears and peace signs were to be for Kerry but also found zero of these.
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