Triumph of Hope
BY JOSE MARIA AZNAR - Former Prime Minister of Spain
Sunday, November 7, 2004 12:01 a.m.
Hope has triumphed.
I know that some may be surprised to read this, but I am convinced of the fact.
Hope has triumphed, and with it the confidence of the American people in the values and principles on which our shared civilization on both sides of the Atlantic is based. George W. Bush decided to respond to totalitarian terrorist attacks with a return to basic principles. He could have chosen appeasement. He could have opted for mere rhetoric. He decided not to do so. He decided to oppose brutality with steadfast conviction. Now a wide majority of his people has backed this policy. It has confirmed that there is hope in our way of life, a form of hope that derives its strength from its essential convictions, a hope that is manifested in the desire to defend freedom above all else.
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