Socialized medicine, Michael Moore, Tsunami Victims, and the UN
By: Kimmymac
Two areas I will touch on in this piece: the first being the planned Michael “The Blob” Moore’s planned expose crapumentary in the style of Farenfraud 9/11, this one a hit piece aimed at the health care industry. One can only assume it is being made in order to create the perceived need to socialize medicine in this country, thereby giving the next Democrat candidate for president an “issue” to run on, since “I hate Bush” will no longer be viable as an “issue” in 2008. I would remind my dear friends out there in cyber land that Hilary “Stand by my man, providing it is expedient to do so” Clinton’s big issue was socialized medicine.
The second issue is UN Jan (short for “Janice”) Hageland’s remarks that the US is “stingy” in our initial pledge of 35 million dollars in aid for the tsunami victims.
So, let’s look at these issues, somewhat in parallel, shall we?
In response to the tsunami disaster: Drug makers and medical companies are responding with shipments of medical supplies and cash donations. Pfizer Inc. announced plans to donate $10 million to local and international relief organizations, including Save the Children and the International Rescue Committee, and said it would contribute about $25 million of its health-care products to the relief efforts.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. is sending antibiotics and other supplies, in addition to a $100,000 donation through the American Red Cross.
Abbott Laboratories' charitable fund has donated supplies, including nutritional supplements, valued at $2 million, as well as an additional $2 million in cash.
Merck & Co. is making an initial cash donation of $250,000.
Johnson & Johnson, in addition to contributing $2 million in cash, will match employee donations to the Red Cross.
Greedy Americans. Evil big business. Selfish capitalists. How dare these companies make a profit on the products they develop and market? What gall! The government should be regulating them so profits are kept within government guidelines; why, any Socialist will tell you that is the only humane way to go...then maybe we could be like China, who is giving a *whopping* 2.6 Million. Yes. 2.6 Million. With an "M". I mean, what the hell--China profited 2.6 million this past Christmas shopping season alone, on junk sold through the Wal-Mart down the road from me.
I'm sorry...what did the Prune Danish over at the UN say about American stinginess?
And the drug companies are not the only businesses sending aid.
General Electric has given 1 million to the American Red Cross and another 100,000 dollars to UNICEF.
The retailer set up a solicitation on their home page. So far they have garnered 3.4 million dollars from a total of 54,000 donors.
Coca-Cola and Pepsi Co. have both sent thousands and thousands of cases of bottled water.
Americans have so far contributed 18 million to the American Red Cross for tsunami relief, plus an additional 3.5 million to CARE USA. The ARC reports it is the largest outpouring of private donations since 9/11, when it was Americans helping Americans. Now Americans have once again opened their hearts and wallets for people half way around the world, never once considering that if the shoe were on the other foot it is highly doubtful they would respond in kind, even if they were able. Which they are not, because they are the victims first of European colonization, and then for much of that area at least, they are the self-made victims of ignorance--which always leads to poverty.
Except for leftists weasels, who seem to dodge the bullet of poverty by parasitically attaching themselves to host economies.
But I digress.
So, Jan “My name is not Janice, stop calling me that” Hageland, Internationalist Weasel Mouthpiece for the UN, and professional America basher at-large; do the math: I calculate that the partial list of private corporations and American citizens is more than any single donation of a European country.
Surprise, surprise.
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