Have the depths of hell opened and spewed out its demons to do these things? What God do they call on when they martyr themselves killing children? Only Satan could inspire this evil.
'm upset and wondering how in the world the Iraqis are coping and so I log into Iraq The Model to in some way feel connected and I am not disappointed because there is a post expressing the sorrow and grief both Americans and Iraqis feel. After reading for a little while and writing a little bit I feel slightly less helpless and a little comforted.
Just as Iraqis must be strong and never again be ruled by fear; America must be strong and stand with Iraq until she can stand on her own. Our outrage and anger will sustain us through the grief of today and the grief that will likely continue to come until the evil snakes finally wither and die.
I'm so sorry for the mothers and fathers of the children who were killed today and the parents, wives and children of the American Soldiers that went down with them. I pray that God will heal your pain but I don't know how he can.
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