The Rising of the Iranian Revolution
There is an uprising in Iran. We can't turn on the news and here about it however, apparently our media has dropped the ball yet again. Surprise, Surprise. (not)
I came across a forum discussing about a movement to free Iran from the tyrant extremists that rule there. These brave souls are brutally murdered if thier identity is discovered. To the tune of one hundred and twenty hangings since March.
Masked Iranian revolutionaries in Tehran.
I also came across a story on that reinforces my impression that there are things going on in Iran that the world at large has not caught on to yet. It seems the Mullahs had hoped to turn Iranian public opinion against the United States by allowing the people to see Michael Moore's "F911". This tells me three important things:
- If they desire to turn the hearts and minds of the people against the US and her president than they must perceive the people are FOR the US and Bush otherwise they wouldn't need turning in the first place.
- If the perceive there is support for the US it must be a very strong under current indeed since any outward support would be met with torture and public execution. It's a safe bet people are not having open discussions about it.
- The Mullahs understand that George Bush is not the guy they want in the white house. Mullahs for John Kerry does not surprise me at all but the showing of "F911" confirms it.
The author of the story had some emails from Iranians who had seen Michael Moore's "F911". So what are the Iranians thinking about this movie?
- “Wow, this guy complains that Bush lied once. What would this windbag do if he lived here where our president lies to us once an hour?”
- “This guy gets to publicly accuse Bush of lying and becomes famous and adored worldwide. We, here, complain about some decrepit and inconsequential government lackey and we not only go to prison but some of us get death sentences. He ought to thank his lucky stars he lives in a country where he’s allowed and even encouraged to be this obnoxious…”
- “If he thinks that the U.S. is so bad, he’s welcome to trade places with us…since he’s so forgiving of brutal Middle Eastern dictators!”
- “They are showing this film to erase from our minds the idea of America being the great liberator; maybe Americans themselves don’t appreciate what they have but we sure do!”
- “Outside such pathetic ideological schemes, Moore’s fixation to reprimand and castigate his own society is so great that he is BLIND to the fact that our ancient land and society cannot be regarded and dealt with in the same fashion; therefore he has fallen pray to the Mullahs for whom he is nothing more than a tool to discard when his mission for them is completed.”
There are no names attached to these quotes because if there were these people would wake up dead. Freedom of speech is only a dream for them. You, dear reader, will just have to take the author's word for it.
I have concluded that President Bush is right. If freedom and liberty flourish in Iraq, and I believe it will, hope will spread to the rest of the middle east, and then revolution, and then peace. Hope and peace in the middle east? I think we are seeing the beginning of exactly that. It will be a struggle and it will be bloody but has there ever been a revolution that was not?
We can not give up before the job is done. History teaches us this. We left Vietnam without finishing the job and 2.5 million people were slaughtered, hundreds of thousands were put in re-education camps and hundreds of thousands braved the China Sea in refugee death boats. We left Iraq too soon after the Gulf War and hundreds of thousands died by Saddam's gassing and untold other horrors were rained down on the Iraqi people. Well, we are back now and Saddam is gone (thank God) but we must not leave these people until they are free and secure in that freedom. We owe them that.
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