Kerry's Democratic Convention Fraud Finally Exposed
"The value of truth is one of the most central values in America, and this administration has violated it," Kerry said in an interview with The Washington Post aboard his plane. "Their values system is distorted and not based on truth."The Bandit goes on to explain how Kerry has paraded Rev. David Alston around the country touting Kerry's heroic deeds in combat and used him to counter claims put forth by the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth. However, it is a pack of lies. Go figure. See another quote from Bandits post:
In the world of politics when a candidate makes such harsh criticism of his opponent’s honesty, you can bet they themselves are guilty of the very violation they accuse their opponent.
Newly released documents under the FOIA for David Alston shows he never returned to active duty during the time Kerry was in Vietnam commanding the swift boat PCF-94 after suffering wounds from an ambush on January 29, 1969.What was that? Wasn't even there? The fog of war left him so befuddled he thought he witnessed events at which he was not even present? I see.
If you care to read the entire article and examine the timeline you can read Bandits post here.
For those of you who like your politics in easy to chew kibbles I will sum it up for you. Kerry Lied. Repeatedly.
Imagine that.
(I will have more to say about this when the documentation supporting it is available for vetting.)
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