Tuesday, October 26, 2004

POW! Smoking Gun! Kerry Directed By Hanoi!

Looks like the first punch is out early. This is truely astonishing evidence of a conspiracy to manipulate U.S. policy and John Kerry was the vessel by which the communists delivered the poison.

The headline from World Net Daily:
Discovered papers: Hanoi directed Kerry
Recovered Vietnamese documents deemed 'smoking gun' by experts
And the article lives up to the headline with room to spare!
Story Here..

And from Wintersoldier.com

*** BREAKING ***

Two newly discovered Vietnamese communist documents captured in 1971 show that the Vietnamese communists guided the American antiwar movement via meetings between the communist delegations to the Paris Peace talks and American antiwar activists. John Kerry and the VVAW were working toward the exact goals set forth in the communist directives. Read the whole story in John Kerry and the VVAW: Hanoi's American Puppets? by Dr. Jerome Corsi and Scott Swett.

And from The NY Sun front page..

Hanoi Approved of Role Played By Anti-War Vets

BY THOMAS LIPSCOMB - Special to the Sun
October 26, 2004

The communist regime in Hanoi monitored closely and looked favorably upon the activities of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War during the period Senator Kerry served most actively as the group's spokesman and a member of its executive committee, two captured Viet Cong documents suggest.

full story..