Sunday, January 30, 2005

Iraqis, on Voting

Baghdad's mayor was overcome with emotion by the turnout of voters at City Hall, where he said thousands were celebrating.

"I cannot describe what I am seeing. It is incredible. This is a vote for the future, for the children, for the rule of law, for humanity, for love," Alaa al-Tamimi told Reuters.

From Reuters

I walked forward to my station, cast my vote and then headed to the box, where I wanted to stand as long as I could, then I moved to mark my finger with ink, I dipped it deep as if I was poking the eyes of all the world's tyrants.

I put the paper in the box and with it, there were tears that I couldn't hold; I was trembling with joy and I felt like I wanted to hug the box but the supervisor smiled at me and said "brother, would you please move ahead, the people are waiting for their turn".

from Omar at
The man replacing the mayor of Baghdad — who was assassinated for his pro-American loyalties — says he is not worried about his ties to Washington.

In fact, he'd like to erect a monument to honor President Bush in the middle of the city.

"We will build a statue for Bush," said Ali Fadel, the former provincial council chairman. "He is the symbol of freedom."

from The NY Post

Have you ever seen anything like this? Iraq will be O.K. with so many brave people, it will certainly O.K.; I can say no more just now; I am just filled with pride and moved beyond words.

from Alaa at The Mesopotamian

Our thanks go to George W Bush who will enter the history as the leader of the freedom and democracy in the recent history! He and his people are our friends for ever!

At this moment the voting closed and we will see the results then!

God bless Iraq and America.

from Hammorabi
It will be a day forever remembered. My voting was only a simple act, I went, I identified myself, got my finger stained, filled out a ballot, and dropped it in a box. It is not a complex or grand process to the eye, but it is one that I will forever remember and will recount to my children, and their children. And God willing it will be remembered through the ages.

from Husayn
They and the ING guys were so polite and gentle. I cast my vote and got out, not in a rush at all. This is my Eid and I felt like a king walking in his own kingdom. I saw the same look of confidence and satisfaction in the eyes of all people I met.

... I'm stil overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions that I don't know what to say more. The only things I can feel so strongly now are hope, excitement, pride and a strange internal peace. I have won my battle and I'm watching the whole Iraqis winning their battle too. I'll try to write to you later my friends.
A'ash Al Iraq, A'ashat America, A'ash Al Tahaluf. (Long live Iraq, long live America and long live the coalition)

from Ali

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Prayer For Iraq

Today a nation will be reborn,
please bless her people.

Today a nation will reject tyrany and oppression,
please protect her from evil.

Today a nation will defy terror,
please give her courage.

Today a nation will begin a long journey,
please give her resolve.

Today a nation will be free,
please, hold her up as an example to the world.

God Bless the People of Iraq.


Thursday, January 27, 2005

A Sign of The Times

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Holy Hillary


Holy Hillary: I Always Prayed

Borrowing a page from President Bush, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton told a Boston audience this week that prayer has always played a meaningful role in her life - though accounts from her days as a student radical suggest that's probably not true.

"I've always been a praying person," Clinton told a crowd of more than 500, including many religious leaders, at Boston's Fairmont Copley Plaza.

According to the Boston Globe, the newly religious former first lady "invoked God more than half a dozen times" as she urged society to accommodate religious people who "live out their faith in the public square."

Though she was raised as a Methodist, Clinton's open embrace of God, along with her insistence that she's "always been a praying person," has to come as a shock to those who remember her college days.

Back then, Clinton was far more likely to be seen reading, not the Bible, but the writings of Marx and Mao - and had close associations with unabashed Communists for whom the mere mention of religion was heresy.

One was Robert Treuhaft, who, as noted in the late Barbara Olson's Hillary biography "Hell to Pay," had "dedicated his entire legal career to advancing the agenda of the Soviet Communist Party."

In 1972 Treuhaft offered the future Senator a summer internship at California's Berkeley University. Clinton accepted, immersing herself in Truehaft's brand of radical Stalinism. When she returned she was, according to Olson, "a budding Leninist."

If Sen. Clinton was "a praying person" back then, she must have kept it well concealed from her radical mentors.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Stolen Gems

I am stealing this from Everything I Know is Wrong who stole it from TKS (formerly The Kerry Spot)... well, because it's good and I'm feeling lazy.

Dan Rather: All Hat - No Cattle

Jim Geraghty, at TKS, pins Dan Rather to a board like a butterfly. Jim is so right I... stole the whole thing.

You'll see more on this subject in the future on NRO, but for now, a few sentences of summary: How revealing is it that Dan Rather — the face of CBS News, widely described as "a newsman's newsman" — was not at the anchor desk the day the report is released, and the next day issued only a brief statement to his coworkers?

What does it say that this man, the embodiment of a generation in television journalism, chose to not do a press conference, and wasn't willing to sit down for a hard-hitting interview? So far, he has clammed up and avoided the press like… well, like the corporate or government officials who are usually the targets of “60 Minutes” investigations.

Keep this in mind when Rather retires in March, and commentators fall all over themselves offering gushing praise for his character, his toughness, his guts, and his sense of honor.

TKS is the new name for The Kerry Spot, and it's still one of the best political blogs going.

Friday, January 07, 2005

From Iraq The Model

A translated report about an election poll from Al-sabah.

Thanks to Ladybird for the translation.
Actually I've heard about this poll few days ago but couldn't have the time to translate it.
The headlines of this poll were:

The poll was of 4974 Iraqis living in and around Baghdad.

Will the security problems cause you to?
Not come out and vote the day of elections = 18.3%
Come out and vote the day of elections = 78.3%
No opinion = 3.4%

Do you support military action against the terrorists?
Yes = 87.7 %

No = 11.1%
Don’t Know = 1.2%

If these were the results that appeared after taking samples from in and around Baghdad which is considered to be the most dangerous area in the country (and inhabited by lots of Sunni Iraqis by the way!), then what would the results look like if the samples were taken from Basra or Erbil??

- posted by Omar @ 01:14

Hillary's Campaign Finance Director Indicted

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's former finance director in hot water. Hillory puts on her best shocked look.

David Rosen's indictment was unsealed in Los Angeles today. The charges charges of causing false campaign finance reports to be filed with the Federal Election Commission focus on his fund-raising for an Clinton gala in LA in August of 2000. Hillary was first lady at the time.


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Stealing Thanksgiving

Where did turkeys go?

Gleaners asks if Conyers' staff helped needy people

January 5, 2005


The director of a Detroit food bank wants to know what happened to 60 turkeys -- 720 pounds of frozen birds -- that his charity gave to members of U.S. Rep. John Conyers' local staff two days before Thanksgiving to give to needy people.

Conyers' Detroit office promised an accounting of any turkey distribution by Dec. 27, but the Gleaners Community Food Bank had received no paperwork as of Tuesday, said the charity's director, Agostinho Fernandes.

Fernandes said he became suspicious that the turkeys didn't get to poor people after hearing from a friend that a federal court worker had said he was offered free turkeys from a member of Conyers' staff.


Monday, January 03, 2005

What are Kerry aids saying these days?

"Did he whine?" was the first question one senior Kerry aide asked of the NEWSWEEK reporter who had recently been to see Kerry.

"He thinks he's the front runner for '08 without recognizing that he needs to do some soul-searching. If he wants to come back, he'll have to come back as a different candidate, not the stiff who plays it safe and takes four sides of every issue." - A member of Kerry's foreign-policy team.

It's My Party Too - Review

Kimmymac's view on the latest Bush bash book.
"It's my party too, wah wah wah, and I can cry if I want to, boo hoo" Ye GADS! Not another cry baby loser? Is there no end to it? Who said "moderates" can't be part of the Rep party? No one is kicking them out. It is a fact, however, that the heart, soul, and energy of the Republican party has always come from the conservatives. Anytime the GOP nominated "moderates" they lost. Need examples? Dole. Ford.

I am sure there are many others. Look, Todd-Whitman can go screw herself. I am sick of the whining. They don't like where the party is headed? Then work the system, just like we beleaquered conservatives have done since Goldwater's defeat in '64. If the middle of the road ideologists have the strength of their convictions, let them get out there and work at the grass roots like conservatives did. Let them get off their duffs and come out of their ivory towers and work the phones, walk the precincts, stand up and speak at meetings. Otherwise: Let them shut the hell up, and not use their former position (one that was given to Whitman-Todd by Bush, who was trying to reach out to the Moderate republican btw) to write kiss and tell books the media lap dogs will lick up. It is as predictable as the sun coming up in the east tomorrow morning.

Reagan's nomination and election in '80 were hard fought victories, and I still, all these years later, savor the sweetness of them. I was just a 19 year old kid back then, but I knew the Rockefeller reps had to go; they were no-where, and stood for no-thing. Moderates=middle-of-the-road. Middle-of-the-road = road-kill. Conservatives wrested control of the party away from the Eastern establishment republicans (like Bush 1, actually) then, and I am not about to give back the GOP to them.

Hey! Whitman-Todd! You two-faced, back- stabbing wench! Call me! Let's talk! We can discuss how your traitorous actions will lead to a McCain/Whitman ticket, and I'll help deliver the Texas GOP conservatives to your fold. NOT! Bwa ha ha!

One thing Mzzzzz Whitman-Todd needs to remember: Conservatives have long memories. Most of us are students of history, after all--that's why we are conservatives. That, plus a real stubborn streak, leads itself to real problems for the pro-abortion, pro-activist judges, anti-business "moderate" wing of the GOP.

Go join the Dem party, Whitman-Todd--you have the whining part down cold.
Her subtle and diplomatic manor gives me warm fuzzies. I <3 u Kimmy!

Stingy Americans Send Husbands, Fathers, Brothers and Sons to help tsunami victims.

From Stars and Stripes
U.S. military hauling food, water, clothing, manpower to Southeast Asia

By Vince Little, Stars and Stripes
Pacific edition, Saturday-Sunday, January 1-2, 2005

Greg Tyler / S&S
Sailors from the USS Fort McHenry load boxes of goods that were donated by the base community for victims of the killer tsunamis in Southeast Asia onto the ship Thursday at Sasebo Naval Base, Japan. Anticipating the departure of the Fort McHenry for the affected areas Friday, the base community donated eight pallets of goods for the relief effort.

Greg Tyler / S&S
Sasebo Naval Base's Religious Ministries Department donated a van full of goods for victims of the killer tsunamis in Southeast Asia. The boxes were delivered to the USS Fort McHenry.

Bennie J. Davis III / Courtesy of U.S. Air Force
Airman 1st Class William C. Glidewell of the 613th Security Forces Squadron, 613th Contingency Response Group from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, receives a mandatory flu vaccination before boarding a KC-135 headed for Utaphao, Thailand, as part of a 52-member team in support of the relief efforts in southern Asia.

Bennie J. Davis III / Courtesy of U.S. Air Force
Col. Rod Gregory of 13th Air Force, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, watches as the last load of cargo is loaded aboard a KC-135 headed for Utaphao, Thailand, along with a 52-member team in support of the relief efforts in southern Asia.

Greg Tyler / S&S
A sailor from the USS Fort McHenry loads boxes of goods donated by the base community onto the ship Thursday at Sasebo Naval Base, Japan.

Aid by the pound

Donated items from Sasebo include five tri-walls of clothing and three plastic-wrapped pallets containing almost 3,300 lbs. of food. The pallets of food include:

¶ 180 lbs. of dry milk.

¶ 717 lbs. of fruit cocktail.

¶ 405 lbs. of diced peaches.

¶ 125 lbs. of assorted crackers.

¶ 173 lbs. of assorted granola bars.

¶ 1,342 lbs. of instant white grits.

¶ 144 lbs. of prepared dried coconut.

¶ 165 lbs. of peanut butter.

— Stars and Stripes

U.S. military officials in the Pacific continued pouring resources into Southeast Asia on Thursday, preparing for large-scale humanitarian and relief operations in the 11 countries rocked by last weekend’s massive earthquake and ferocious tsunami.

Army Lt. Col. Vi Strong, a Pacific Command spokeswoman, said three disaster-relief assessment teams and a forward command element are on the ground in Utapao, Thailand.

Aid packages were unloaded Thursday from six C-130s that flew in from Yokota Air Base, Japan. KC-135 aircraft from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, and Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, also arrived in Thailand and Sri Lanka, carrying assessment teams and material needed to establish the command, control and communication structure for Joint Task Force 536, which is being headed by Lt. Gen. Robert R. Blackman, commander of the Okinawa-based III Marine Expeditionary Force.

A Marine spokeswoman on Okinawa said a schedule for sending additional personnel to the disaster areas would not be set until the advance teams that departed earlier this week report back.

A disaster-relief assessment team also will gauge the situation in Indonesia, Strong said.

“Now that the forward element is there, we have an opportunity to see what is required,” she said. “Then, I think we’ll have a better handle on which way to go — and how to best use our resources.

“We’re still determining what is most needed. We’re doing the immediate things, taking care of basic human needs. In the days to come, I’m sure there’ll be a lot more things to be identified that we can help with.”

The gruesome aftermath of last Sunday’s devastation has been staggering, with more than 114,000 confirmed dead in the region. More than half a million people reportedly were injured.

The U.S. military’s response has come from all parts of the Pacific. It’s part of a widespread relief campaign that includes the State Department, U.S. Agency for International Development, host nations and various humanitarian relief agencies — all pitching in to identify requirements and coordinate assistance efforts.

On Friday, the USS Fort McHenry was slated to leave Sasebo Naval Base, Japan, while Yokota Air Base officials also planned to dispatch additional troops and supplies for the disaster-relief effort. Air Force 1st Lt. Warren Comer, a 374th Airlift Wing spokesman, said Yokota’s “ongoing operation [would] continue into the foreseeable future.”

The anticipated departure of the Fort McHenry, an amphibious dock landing ship, led Sasebo residents to fill eight pallets with donations, which were brought to the ship Thursday morning.

“Fort McHenry is prepared and ready to provide humanitarian assistance to the disaster-relief effort ongoing,” said Capt. Alan R. Moore, deputy commander of Commander, Task Force 76.

Representatives of Sasebo organizations involved with the collection of relief items said the Fort McHenry was set to leave Friday for Thailand. However, Navy officials would not confirm a date for the ship’s departure or say where it will operate after arriving.

“Amphibious ships, such as the Fort McHenry … are uniquely compatible for such missions, and regularly train to react to humanitarian assistance,” Moore said.

In early December, the Fort McHenry participated in humanitarian-relief efforts for victims of violent storms and mudslides in the Philippines, along with more than 600 Marines, sailors and airmen from Okinawa. The ship returned to Sasebo on Dec. 23.

Community contributions added to the Fort McHenry on Thursday include more than 10,000 pounds of clothing and food, according to Jerry Havens, Sasebo Navy League Council president.

Cmdr. Harvey Ranard, Sasebo’s command chaplain, thanked base leaders for their “thoughtfulness … and for the work in staging the supplies for transport.”

“May our prayers be that these supplies touch both the hands and hearts of those who need them the most,” he said.

At Kadena, two KC-135 Stratotankers took off early Thursday for Utapao with six pallets each of water and Meals, Ready to Eat, said Maj. Mike Paoli, an 18th Wing spokesman.

“Also, a C-130 Hercules from Yokota left here about 9:30 a.m. loaded with heavy equipment,” Paoli said. A third KC-135 departed Okinawa on a refueling mission.

Andersen officials planned no additional troop movements Thursday after sending 52 airmen to Thailand a day earlier as part of the Air Expeditionary Task Force, the Air Force component of Joint Task Force 536.

“They’re getting things set up to begin airlift operations,” said Tech. Sgt. Bryan Gatewood, a 36th Air Expeditionary Wing spokesman at Andersen. “We’re always ready to go and assist if we’re called upon, but I haven’t heard anything more going on just yet.

“Our main goal is to be as expedient as we can to help lessen the suffering of the people over there. We want to help marshal the cargo coming in to make sure the supplies are getting to the right spots.”

Prior to the deployment, Andersen servicemembers were briefed about mission conduct and the grave situation that awaited them in earthquake and tsunami-ravaged areas, according to the Pacific Daily News. Maj. Greg Woodbury, an Andersen chaplain, tried to prepare the group.

“It’s hard to deal with the death and destruction. It breaks the people, and if you’re not prepared for it, it overwhelms you,” he told the paper. “The sights and smells stay with you forever.”

Misawa Air Base, Japan, had committed no assets to the humanitarian campaign on Thursday but officials said they awaited the call.

“Misawa Air Base stands ready to provide assistance to the affected region, but we haven’t received an execute order yet,” said 1st Lt. James Lage, a base spokesman.

Strong said six more Navy P-3 Orion aircraft from Kadena will be sent to Utapao in coming days. They’ll join the three already in Thailand to expand search-and-rescue efforts.

PACOM officials also have summoned eight maritime propositioning ships — large cargo vessels packed with food, fresh water and other relief supplies — to the impacted areas. They should arrive in a week to 10 days from Guam and Diego Garcia.

“These are commercial ships that have been leased to the Military Sealift Command,” Strong said, “and they serve as floating warehouses for our expeditionary forces.”

They can carry up to 450,000 gallons of fresh water and generate up to 90,000 gallons of potable water each day, she added. They also haul heavy transport and relief equipment such as bulldozers, generators, five-ton trucks, amphibious vehicles and Humvees.

Two forensic teams from the POW Account Command will arrive in Utapao this weekend, with additional units standing by. Strong said they’ll help in recovery and identification processes.

No lengths have been established for most of the deployments, officials said.

“U.S. forces will remain only as long as necessary in order for affected nations to conduct sustained disaster-relief operations on their own,” Strong said. “Our primary concern is to rapidly reduce the further loss of life and human suffering.”

The U.S. military’s disaster-relief campaign won’t adversely affect PACOM’s obligations in the global war on terrorism, she added.

“We’re structured to rapidly respond to any crisis around the globe,” Strong said.

Greg Tyler, David Allen and Jennifer H. Svan contributed to this report.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Mohammed's New Year Resolultions

I've taken this from because I think that Americans continue to forget how spoiled rotten and blessed we are. The Iraqi people are counting on us to see this thing through. How can any of us consider doing less?
Happy New Year.
I couldn't decorate my tree with lights
Because I don't have enough electricity to do that
I decorated it with candles…….and it looks more romantic this way

Yes, we still celebrate the arrival of a new year
And we still exchange hugs and wishes
And we still dream of a better new year
Sorry, pessimists, we didn't lose hope in Iraq yet
And we didn't decide to surrender
The churches still ring their bells and the car bombs couldn't stop my people from going there and hold their prayers
We just placed a block on the street
To stop the terrorists, not the visitors

A lady from New York asked me.
Do kids go to school in Iraq?
Yes ma'am; millions of them and every day
We still read and learn and we still hunger for knowledge

Yes we have our fears and who doesn't have fears
But our love for life is stronger
Yes we still hope that the coming year will be a better and a safer one
Yes we still care for others' pains and sufferings
And we feel sad for the world's disaster
Our concerns didn't stop us from praying for all the people of the world
Our coming year will be better, trust me
I see this crystal clear

We've placed signs of challenge in the streets instead of the New Year's decorations;


We still dream of a democratic Iraq ruled by the law
And this is something we deserve…this is the land of the first law in history
I still find my home in Iraq… it's still the best place in the world in my eyes
I will not waste a minute listening to the pessimists
Instead, I will add a brick to the house we're building
And I will write a word….and pray

I will pray for the ones who fought for the Iraqi freedom
I will pray for the hundreds of thousands who won't spend the night with their families, staying awake on the front line to keep me safe
I will pray for the ones who gave their lives for the sake of others' wellbeing
I will pray for those who went through all the pains
And never lost hope
I will pray for a free and democratic Iraq
I will pray for the world's peace

Happy New Year.
