Monday, January 17, 2005

Stolen Gems

I am stealing this from Everything I Know is Wrong who stole it from TKS (formerly The Kerry Spot)... well, because it's good and I'm feeling lazy.

Dan Rather: All Hat - No Cattle

Jim Geraghty, at TKS, pins Dan Rather to a board like a butterfly. Jim is so right I... stole the whole thing.

You'll see more on this subject in the future on NRO, but for now, a few sentences of summary: How revealing is it that Dan Rather — the face of CBS News, widely described as "a newsman's newsman" — was not at the anchor desk the day the report is released, and the next day issued only a brief statement to his coworkers?

What does it say that this man, the embodiment of a generation in television journalism, chose to not do a press conference, and wasn't willing to sit down for a hard-hitting interview? So far, he has clammed up and avoided the press like… well, like the corporate or government officials who are usually the targets of “60 Minutes” investigations.

Keep this in mind when Rather retires in March, and commentators fall all over themselves offering gushing praise for his character, his toughness, his guts, and his sense of honor.

TKS is the new name for The Kerry Spot, and it's still one of the best political blogs going.