It's My Party Too - Review
Kimmymac's view on the latest Bush bash book.
"It's my party too, wah wah wah, and I can cry if I want to, boo hoo" Ye GADS! Not another cry baby loser? Is there no end to it? Who said "moderates" can't be part of the Rep party? No one is kicking them out. It is a fact, however, that the heart, soul, and energy of the Republican party has always come from the conservatives. Anytime the GOP nominated "moderates" they lost. Need examples? Dole. Ford.
I am sure there are many others. Look, Todd-Whitman can go screw herself. I am sick of the whining. They don't like where the party is headed? Then work the system, just like we beleaquered conservatives have done since Goldwater's defeat in '64. If the middle of the road ideologists have the strength of their convictions, let them get out there and work at the grass roots like conservatives did. Let them get off their duffs and come out of their ivory towers and work the phones, walk the precincts, stand up and speak at meetings. Otherwise: Let them shut the hell up, and not use their former position (one that was given to Whitman-Todd by Bush, who was trying to reach out to the Moderate republican btw) to write kiss and tell books the media lap dogs will lick up. It is as predictable as the sun coming up in the east tomorrow morning.
Reagan's nomination and election in '80 were hard fought victories, and I still, all these years later, savor the sweetness of them. I was just a 19 year old kid back then, but I knew the Rockefeller reps had to go; they were no-where, and stood for no-thing. Moderates=middle-of-the-road. Middle-of-the-road = road-kill. Conservatives wrested control of the party away from the Eastern establishment republicans (like Bush 1, actually) then, and I am not about to give back the GOP to them.
Hey! Whitman-Todd! You two-faced, back- stabbing wench! Call me! Let's talk! We can discuss how your traitorous actions will lead to a McCain/Whitman ticket, and I'll help deliver the Texas GOP conservatives to your fold. NOT! Bwa ha ha!
One thing Mzzzzz Whitman-Todd needs to remember: Conservatives have long memories. Most of us are students of history, after all--that's why we are conservatives. That, plus a real stubborn streak, leads itself to real problems for the pro-abortion, pro-activist judges, anti-business "moderate" wing of the GOP.
Go join the Dem party, Whitman-Todd--you have the whining part down cold.
Her subtle and diplomatic manor gives me warm fuzzies. I <3 u Kimmy!
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