Friday, October 29, 2004


© 2004

It's time to stop pussyfooting around with John Kerry.

This guy is a malapropism away from the presidency.

And what we learned about his character this week needs to be shouted from the housetops across America – because it doesn't appear my colleagues in the press are willing to share the information with the public.

Documents prepared by the Communist North Vietnamese government in 1971, and later captured by U.S. forces, show unmistakably that Kerry was operating under the direction of the enemy. He was being steered by Hanoi. He was being coached by the Viet Cong. And he was taking this direction, this steering and this coaching willingly.

In case you missed it, you can find all the gory details in a report in WorldNetDaily earlier this week. It's fascinating reading. But it is more than that 72 hours before Americans decide who is going to be the next president.

Think of what I am saying: A man who came to prominence and notoriety in American life, and who is now on the threshold of winning the White House, was actively aiding and abetting the enemy just 33 years ago. He was a tool. He was an agent. He was working for the other side.

That's why I say it is time to stop playing rhetorical games with respect to Kerry.

There is only one word in the English language that adequately describes what he was in 1971 – and what he remains today for capitalizing on the evil he perpetrated back then. That word is "traitor."
